
Watch Me Work: a look behind the screen of digital artists and creators, guest artist Dayna McLeod

Join us as we welcome guest artist Dayna McLeod as she shows audiences how she uses open source artificial intelligence DALL-E to co-create images with algorithms and internet data sets, generating photographs from language prompts.

Dayna McLeod is a middle-aging queer video and performance artist. Her work often uses humour and capitalizes on exploiting the body’s social and material conditions. She uses autoethnographic methods to examine representation, experience, and embodiment from her perspective as a white cisgender nondisabled middle-class passing middle-aging queer woman in

performance-based works. The autoethnographic and research-creation methods she uses in her practice work on and with representation that is based and centred on her lived experience. She is also interested in copyright/copyleft, Creative Commons, and Fair Dealing, and their implications on media production and remix culture. www.Daynarama.com


Watch Me Work: a look behind the screens of digital artists and creators


WATCH ME WORK - a look behind the screen of digital artists and creators, guest karen darricades